Webinar: Creating a New Path Toward Clinical Trials In the African American Community Utilizing a Faith-Based Scientific Approach

Dec 02, 2019 1:00PM—2:00PM

BIO will be hosting a webinar on Monday, December 2nd from 1-2 PM ET by the National Black Church Initiative (NBCI) titled “Creating a New Path Toward Clinical Trials In the African American Community Utilizing a Faith-Based Scientific Approach”.

The NBCI is a coalition of 34,000 African American faith communities who also have additional access of up to 150,000 faith communities. This constitutes 26.7 million African American church goers. With this demographic pool, the NCBI has access to every health concern in the African American community. The National Black Church Initiative Southern Clinical Strategy is an innovative attempt to reduce the African American community into a clinical zone for the explicit purpose of improving health disparities through clinical trial participation. In other words, NBCI is trying to encourage African Americans to participate in clinical trials in all areas of concerns and also provide clinical researchers the necessary data as a means of improving health outcomes. The NBCI wants to do this with clinical and scientific partners and through the NBCI Clinical Trials Education Awareness and Participation Program.

The webinar will be conducted by Rev. Anthony Evens, NBCI President and Dr. Lewis.