Marketing for Scientists: What to do when you’re a scientist saddled with marketing and/or biz dev responsibilities

Aug 31, 2023 11:00AM—12:00PM



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At some point in their (later stage) commercialization pathway, young medtech and life science companies need to activate strategies and execute action items to build awareness for and uptake of their new technologies. The solution providers on which they rely (like GCMI) also need to keep their new business or projects pipeline healthy as well.

The connection? Many times those marketing and biz dev responsibilities fall to medtech experts, not marketing experts. How, then, can scientists make the most of their precious time when marketing and biz dev responsibilities are well outside of their area of expertise?

GCMI Director of Scientific Affairs Evan Goldberg and Jackson Medical Co-Founder and CEO Kamil Makhneija are two examples of medtech experts who have successfully responded to these challenges. 

Learn about how they do it in a webinar hosted by Write2Market’s VP, Healthcare, Paul Snyder on Thursday, August 31 at 11:00 a.m. eastern.